( * Photos from one of the portrait albums by the teen model " Chrissie Chow ) .
” lang mo “ …. Is a new slang in Cantonese , it means “ teen model “ ,
” lang “ means young , for example “ lang chai / lang mui “ refer to teenage boy /gal
” mo ” means model .
A typical “ lang mo “ is a teenage girl who is prepared to dress and show off her hot
body at public functions in a way that , in previous years , could only be seems in
adult magazines .
( for example : sexy bikini / showing cleavage / deep-v tops / exposed poses etc )
Their portrait albums ( which publication was considered as obscene and indecent )
caused a huge sensation in the recent Hong Kong Book Fair hosted in Wai Chai ,
Some judged that those” lang mo “ cannot be called “ model “ , some said that
government should suppress on this worship craze on teen models . Some blamed
that this craze reflected Hong Kong is lack of proper sex education etc .
Some people even think that this kinda of photo albums should be prohibited in
the books fair since they don’t have any warning words on their warpings , everyone
can read the books not like those “ Adult magazines “ .
Personally , the great mess flavor on “ lang mo “ is just a gimmick ,
I think such little stir was by their model agencies , trying to attracted more
attention from the local media for their models .
Teenage and their parents are mature enough to judge whether the albums
are suitable for them as a beneficial reader or not .