Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nerds do love too...

HP ####

Ok, after seeing this picture, i think we should be crowned the nerdiest couple ever, lol...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Love before time photoslide


Because sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words...

Everything I do ( I do it for you )



PS- Do you remember Bruno saying something about a singer who spent his childhood in Portugal? This is the singer

Monday, February 8, 2010

Long Holiday .


Everything's ready ,
i am flying all my way to meet my very dear Boss ,
First time to spend Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year
with my love .

Counting down the time , am so excited .

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A new version .


Accidentally found this " Hawaii version " of " Better together
by Jack Johnson .

Love it .

Best to listen during cloudy weather ... like today .

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

5 months .


How amazing ....
My previous co-worker is in her 5 months pregnancy .
She gained 10 lbs and still putting on weights .
Looks like she just ballooning her belly full of air ...
Can't wait to greet her little baby boy in the end of MAY ...

Thank you for spending an amazing night with us :-)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

C.Ronaldo and Megan Fox posing for Armani

HP ####

It seems like everytime a famous star decides to pose as a model for Armani, there's always a lot of controversy surrounding the conception of those pictures.

First, it was Beckham and the supersize bulge in his underwear. Some said it was a sock or a protective cup, while others sworn it was just a photoshop trick. Now with C. Ronaldo, there's a new controversy surrounding the nature of those pictures. Some claim it's just a photoshop trick to make him more toned and give him more muscle definition.

To me, it's nothing special really...nowdays, photoshop is used to edit tons of pictures of famous celebritites, that's why sometimes we get amazed of the real look of some singers or actresses when we take a glance of how they look like without make-up.

So, let's give a break to C.Ronaldo, although he's kind of a shadow of Beckham ( Ronaldo was the one who took Beckham's number in Manchester United; then went on to Real Madrid, just like Beckham, and now replaced him in the Armani underwear add )

Megan Fox, also looks dazzling, but nobody even questioned about whether her photos were also worked with photoshop or not, what do you think???