Thursday, November 13, 2008

i don't want to show you ...but ....


well....this is one of my part-time job...
as a Samba dancer ...

I don't want to show you this ....but ..i can't hide anymore .....

Very funny web-site my friend sent to me ...
they have lots of different effects for you to choose ,
Eg : as a painting in the gallery /
poster on the wall of the buliding / as a tattoo etc .
Maybe you know this web before :-P
hope you enjoy the above pics and have fun there ...


Anonymous said...

No i haven't enjoyed the pictures , how come you show me a picture of you in bed with another guy, at least a girls...are you insane??? Chi Sin, hahaha

ericajane said...

that's a long time ago no one curse me with the word " Chi Sin "
honey we can have some more sexy pics in bed ...hehe