Monday, December 22, 2008

Forgiveness ...


A big news in Hong Kong lately about a couple ( Vivian & Joe , both are actor )
with a more than 20 years relationship broke up because of a 22 years old gal ( Miffy ) .
They both published an announcement on newspapers about their relationship
have come to and end , which mean from couple into very close friend .
When everyone are gossiping on how Joe betrayed his 20 years partner Vivian
because of Miffy , and how Miffy won in this “ war “ ….. Joe & Vivian have an announcement again right after 7 days of their broken up , saying that they will get marry on 5 Jan ,
and please all those paparazzo to send them endless blessing .

I don’t know very details of the story , I only know Joe been taken lots of
photos by paparazzo on French kissing Miffy in a pub and those erotic SMS
showing that they knew each others for a long time …… that leads to ending
the 20 years relationship … whatsoever on the details of the story or what road
and solution the couple gunna take , that’s totally their own business ,
( I also think that the young Mifffy is really attractive and gorgeous ) … I am not
asking we should focus on such girly gossip topic ,

Sure that this news reminded me to cherish / trust / respect what I have and
the one I love ….. and shouldn't take everything for granted !
BUT the most important message from the news is " forgiveness is also
important in a relationship " . Vivian said in her announcement that :
....... one can judge if he's right or wrong except me . i've be with him for
more than 20 years and i can say he can bear this fault ... "

well.... I am not a generous person to be honest ,
needless to imagine “ what if I am Vivian “ because I am not , but I am sure
every time the break up left you a wound in heartstrings …Some “ experts “ said
that no matter how well you managed the “ wound “ , and how well you told the
others “ I am fine , I am still alive “ ….you still want to avoid touching it and people
mentioned it again because you haven’t let go …. And haven’t forgive the one who
hurt you ….

SO does that means..... keeping those feelings of hurt inside your mind represent you’re a
mean person and not generous enough ?????

I just don’t know and started to think that “ LVOE “ is something very hard to learn .


Anonymous said...

What LVOE means??? hahaha... Just my opinion, but that Miffy girl doesn't seem something special to me, i actually prefer Vivian...

ericajane said...

Vivian is 41 going to 42 next year ....i want to know how she keep her face ...must be some secrets at behind .