Thursday, December 18, 2008

M&M's collection


i am not a big fans of " M&M's " , because I don't like chocolate
with candy coated / nuts inside ,
not saying that i totally hate their brand / chocolate , i mean if i have
a choice i rather eat those chocolate bars beacuse most of them are pure
chocolate with nothing inside ... hehe ... sounds a bit picky
BUT i specially love their " M&M's crispy candies " and it is a good snack for time-out ,
If you check out their web-site you can find that besides chocolate , they
also have some special productes occasionally eg : t-shirt / telephone / cushion etc .

Last week when i am on my way back home , i saw this exhibition in the
shoppingmall near where i lived . displaying all the special souvenirs by M&M's
i guess it is kinda advertising for the product since X'mas is near .
Let me show you some pictures ......

1.) Penny bank ----

Honey when i saw this penny bank i am thinking will i have that
ugly face / reaction like the yellow one on right when we watch movie ???!!!

Have no idea what it is , i take picture for it beacuse i think
the bear slippers is cute , and thinking i need to get you a similar pair

3.) Cushions ---
i like hugging cushion when sleeping ,
that one color in orange is really shape , how about you honey ??!!

Checking the web-site , i found that they have a service called " Personalized your candies "
in which you can create your own " M&Ms " ... from picking color to the words
on top as well as the packing / wrapping . Honeyzito , you may receive something
similar in Valentine's Day ... lol ...Who knows :-D

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