Thursday, January 22, 2009

more pictures about the sightseeing ...


Just some more pictures about the sightseeing the day
before in Central with my co-workers ,
i guess someone started to feel bornig about such post
beacuse most of the pictures are about " FOOD " ...
that's right , one of the purpose of our half-day tour is
to visit all the famous resturants in Central .
The impression of Central to most people is a place with
fancy hotels / pub in Lan Kwai Fong / meet point of all brand name's
flagship stores / a financial centre of Hong Kong etc .
This is true in some ways , this small region got lot more hidden scenes
that waiting for the others to explore .

on the boat --- i guess i am planning how to bring my co-workers
to the " sightseeing " point they want to visit ...or maybe the sunshine
just to bright ....

2.) walking a long way up to the restaurant ....this reminded me
those very slanting streets in Portugal , it looks like just the same
i can tell you .

Shanghai cuisines -- Dumplings and noodles
the main grain in Northern regions of China are foods made by
flour since the claimate in those areas are cold and not situable for
rice farming .They also inculded lots of meat / poultries
inside their cuisines to keep them warm .
While in Southern regions like Guangdong , claimate is much much
more warm so the main grain is rice .

near the Wanchai wet (fresh ) market , the famous " Dai Pai Dong "
( sidewalk snack booth ) named " Lan Fong Yuen " ..
those " yellow " squares" is the " toast with kaya spread " ,
" Kaya spread " is make by coconut , color like peanut spread but a bit
lighter , it is from Singapore .

5.) Way back home we took the ferry from Central to TST ,
the ticket is in coin shape . Japan is the first country using such
" coin shape ticket " in most of their transportation systems .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely with glasses on :-) lol