The Tiananmen Square Massacre , (Chinese: 六四)
A Political Turmoil between Spring and Summer of 1989
by the government of the People's Republic of China, were a series
of demonstrations led by students, intellectuals and labour activists
in the People's Republic of China between April 15, 1989 and June 4, 1989.
Like a wound on your heart , but ... never get heal .
What's the chinese characters in the last picture stand for??
I was fortunate to be born in a country where there is freedom of speech but before 25th of April, Portugal was a dictatorship...i think i would rather die to be free than live to be imprisioned
" 毋" means : do not / no
" 忘" means : forget ...
i am glad i have chance to learn and know what happened that night .
It is forbidden to talk about this incident in CHINA .
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