Tuesday, July 28, 2009

" lang mo " craze .


( * Photos from one of the portrait albums by the teen model " Chrissie Chow ) .

” lang mo “ …. Is a new slang in Cantonese , it means “ teen model “ ,
” lang “ means young , for example “ lang chai / lang mui “ refer to teenage boy /gal
” mo ” means model .

A typical “ lang mo “ is a teenage girl who is prepared to dress and show off her hot
body at public functions in a way that , in previous years , could only be seems in
adult magazines .
( for example : sexy bikini / showing cleavage / deep-v tops / exposed poses etc )

Their portrait albums ( which publication was considered as obscene and indecent )
caused a huge sensation in the recent Hong Kong Book Fair hosted in Wai Chai ,
Some judged that those” lang mo “ cannot be called “ model “ , some said that
government should suppress on this worship craze on teen models . Some blamed
that this craze reflected Hong Kong is lack of proper sex education etc .
Some people even think that this kinda of photo albums should be prohibited in
the books fair since they don’t have any warning words on their warpings , everyone
can read the books not like those “ Adult magazines “ .

Personally , the great mess flavor on “ lang mo “ is just a gimmick ,
I think such little stir was by their model agencies , trying to attracted more
attention from the local media for their models .
Teenage and their parents are mature enough to judge whether the albums
are suitable for them as a beneficial reader or not .


Anonymous said...

I'm a guy, and it's always nice to see things like that, but here that would be considered grown-up material

ericajane said...

She has great body shape , nice boobs , pretty face .... no reason for not showing off .

Anonymous said...

But there's one thing in taking artistic poses and another is the adult entertainment

ericajane said...

you mean this photo album is similar to the " playboy " ?

Anonymous said...

Yup...pretty similar...at least most of the women used for those photo shootings are already legally adults, they don't use teenagers or close to teenagers...no wonder the cases of pedophile are always rising nowadays

Unknown said...

dude, ice cream on her tits? awesome, but ya i agree with huguinho, probably its too much for here