Thursday, November 5, 2009

Delta Cafes in Hong Kong


Saw " Delta " --- this brand of coffee every where when i am in Lisbon .
And i am happy to know that this Portugal famous brand had arrived
and opened a cafe in Hong Kong --- " Cafe Bistro Delta Cafes " .

Located in Causway Bay , this cafe provide different types
of coffee using coffee beans by " Delta " , pastries , cakes
and small portion portuguese cuisines .

Pictures from top right to bottom right :
1.) Espresso ( single shot ) $ 10
2.) Portuguese style stewed chicken ( half ) $ 68
3.) Pork bun $ 22

Address : No. 2-4 Hysan Avenue , G/F , Shop 10 , Empirire Court , Causway Bay .

( Via : Apple Daily )


Anonymous said...

I had no idea about this coffee shop, pretty interesting and makes me wanna go there to try it. We call Prego or Bifana no Pao to the pork bun in the picture

ericajane said...

thanks for telling on the name of the pork bun .
I may go and try this sunday :-)