Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lately random .


Monday --
On the way to work i saw this tree's roots growing in square
shapes like the floor bricks .

Tuesday --
Dinner at " Dai Pai Dong " ( hawker stalls ) . i was so excited
watching the chefs making 3 dishes in less than 2 minutes.

Tuesday --
Visited my co-worker and the new born baby ,
adored his fatty legs .

Friday --
Birthday dinner with friends in favorites Italian restaurant .
This " tiramisu " brought the dinner to a perfect end .


Anonymous said...

Now i understand why dogs and babies get scared of you, you love their chubby cheeks and fatty legs and butt, lol

ericajane said...

YES . i admitted . But i don't think all dogs / babies get scared of me , must have exceptional case ... lol